Cameras With Face Recognition... Not Just Face Tracking.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/22/2015 1:00:00 AM
Face tracking is a wonderful thing. The only trouble is it often focuses on the wrong face.
Just about every camera made in the last 10 years has some form of face tracking as an option. While this clearly makes it much easier for the camera to decide where to focus, it's not the best option when your subject is surrounded by other people that don't need to be in focus. When your subject is just another face in the crowd, there is no way to insure your camera will know which face to track.
That's where Face Recognition could come in handy.
Now that newer cameras have touch screens and a lot more computing power, it would be possible to design a camera that recognizes faces, then lets you determine which face to focus on. Then whenever the subject moves into the shot, it would immediately know which face to track.
The simplest way to design a camera that does this is to let people take several photos at various angles of the people you want to track most often, then store them in a favorite faces database. Then whenever you are taking a photo of a large group of people, it will know which face(s) to track.
Assuming there are multiple people you want in focus at the same time, the camera could dynamically decide when it needs to adjust the aperture to get all of them in focus, or to use a wide opening and get just one face in focus.
In cases where multiple can't all be in focus the same time, you could set a list of priorities, and it will attempt to focus on whichever face has the highest priority first.
Another benefit would be the ability to automatically store the names in the photo's meta data, which makes it easier to organize on your computer and tag faces on social media.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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