Apple Mail Apps Should Integrate With Reminders, Calendar and Notes.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/9/2015 1:00:00 AM
Most of my daily tasks started out with somebody sending me an email.
Isn't it odd that none of Apple's email Apps integrate with things like Reminders, Calendar, or Notes?
Let's say you are in your office and you've got 100 new messages. What are the odds that at least some of those messages are things you are going to have to take action on? As you open each message, you have to make a decision about what to do with it. If it's something you have to do, what many people do is mark the message unread or create folders or some kind of tag so you can find it later.
Meanwhile, Apple has great Apps for things like Reminders, Calendars and Notes. Wouldn't it make a lot of sense to just add the email to a one of those? So if somebody asks you to come to a meeting, you can just add it to the Calendar or your To-Do list in Reminders. If it's not something pending, but you want to find it later, just add it to the Notes App.
They indirectly support this by embedding clickable links whenever somebody sends you an email with a date, time, or place, so why not add an option to every email to do likewise, regardless of whether they detect a possible event?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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