Leftover Drink Sink
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/9/2015 1:00:00 AM
Why don't fast food restaurants have someplace to pour out leftover drinks?
When I went to elementary school, there was an area in the cafeteria where students were expected to bring their garbage. What stood out was that they had a stainless steel bucket next to the garbage where we were expected to pour out our leftover milk so it wouldn't go into the regular garbage.
After I graduated and went to middle school, I was shocked to see they didn't have anywhere to pour out leftover drinks. The idea that we were to put containers of liquid into a garbage pail didn't make sense at all. Meanwhile, that's exactly what every fast food restaurant expects you to do.
Putting all those liquids into regular garbage bags is pretty stupid. It not makes the garbage heavier, and it ends up creating a sludge that often leaks out of the bags and eventually leaks out of garbage trucks into the streets.
The solution is simple. Fast food restaurants should have a sink next to the garbage for leftover drinks. It doesn't necessarily need to be hooked up to any outside plumbing, because they can just put a 5 or 10 gallon container under it and roll it over to a drain when it gets full.
Restaurants can offset the cost of the sinks with the savings they'll get from the reduced weight going into the trash. After all, liquid waste is much heavier than paper wrappers.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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