Mobile Data Throttling is Stupid.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/12/2015 1:00:00 AM
It's hard to imagine a more pointless policy than Data Throttling.
If you look at the fine print on your mobile plan, you might discover something pretty strange. If you use more than a pre-set amount of high speed data in any given month, they reserve the right to lower the speed of your data for the remainder of the month. Are they kidding? Or just stupid?
According to the carriers, the reason they created this policy was because some of their customers "abuse" their network by using too much data. So, once you reach that limit, your speed typically drops from 4G speeds, all the way down to 2G speeds, which are drastically slower.
I guess they're main goal is to punish customers, because slowing down a customer's data speed doesn't do anything to improve speeds for their remaining (less abusive) customers. In fact, it can actually tie up more resources because whenever a customer's speed is intentionally slowed down, the time they need to download any given file increases, effectively tying up their cell towers for longer periods.
The key point here is the they shouldn't put restrictions on the speed of their customers data, based on how much data they've used that month. As long as the customer is paying for data, they should receive what they paid for. If they paid for unlimited data, they should get unlimited data. If they paid for less, they should simply give the customer a fair price to continue using data (at the same speed).
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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