Staten Island, NY Posted: 11/10/2015 1:00:00 AM
Prevent Forced Access to Your Accounts.
From time to time, I hear stories on the news about people who were robbed at an ATM. I often wondered if some of those thefts could've been avoided by using a fake ATM PIN.
If a thief followed you to the bank and demanded you take out a large sum, wouldn't it be great if you had a secret second PIN that could prevent them from getting away with it?
Instead of entering your real PIN, you enter the fake one, and it displays a random balance less than $40, allowing you to only take out $20... and silently calls the police.
The fake PIN gives the thief the appearance that you are cooperating. Taking it to the next level, it could trigger the ATM to take high resolution pictures of the area surrounding the ATM, and even dispense marked bills that can be used as evidence if the police catch the thief with the money still in his pocket.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe