Undo Shouldn't Be A Hidden Option
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/8/2015 1:00:00 AM
Do you want to know why there isn't an Undo button on the iPhone?
A while back, I did a blog post about why iOS Mail Needs an Undo Option. I was venting about how much of a pain in the neck it was to undelete an email you accidentally deleted, because I hated having to leave my inbox, then look through my deleted folder every time I accidentally deleted something.
As it turns out, I was wrong. There already is an Undo option. All you have to do is shake your iPhone. What the heck? Yes. Shake your iPhone. How is anyone supposed to know that? Isn't it easier to just put an undo option someplace?
Look, I'm a big fan of minimalistic design. I love when developers remove options in order to distill them to their essentials. When it's done right, it opens doors by empowering anyone to accomplish complex tasks without any special skills or training. Unfortunately, when it's done wrong, it means that only "Insiders" know how to do it.
Unless somebody tells you about shaking your iPhone for undo, the only way you'll discover it is the way I did, by accidentally deleting something then shaking it in disgust only to see the "Undo Trash?" message on the screen. When I saw the message, I wondered if I hit something with my finger... so I deleted something else and couldn't figure out how to make the Undo work again. Eventually I figured it out, but I still can't believe they expect most iPhone owners to know about it.
The bottom line... Hiding the option is stupid. They at least need an undo mail delete option... like in the Gmail App.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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