TVs with Remote Finder Button
Staten Island, NY Posted: 1/16/2016 1:00:00 AM
Can't find your remote?
Let's face it. Just about everyone misplaces their remote from time to time. One minute you're holding it in your hand, the next minute you reach for it and it's not there. Perhaps your phone rang, and you took it with you to another room. Or you left it on the kitchen table when you stopped for a snack. Or even left it in the bathroom. Either way, it's a pain in the neck finding the thing.
Wouldn't it be easier if your TV had a simple button that made your remote beep to remind you where it is? It's so simple, yet I've never seen one that can do that. A lot of cordless phones already have this feature, and it comes in handy when you wander around the house with your phone.
The first step is making remotes truly wireless, not infrared. Which opens the door to more advanced remotes.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, devices should all use Bluetooth remotes.. Unlike infrared, Bluetooth allows two way communication, so the TV could send signals to the remote and vice versa. This opens the door to remotes with hundreds of new features that go far beyond finding them with a button.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe