Automatic File Version Numbers
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/13/2016 1:00:00 AM
An easy way to keep track of revisions.
Right now, if you modify a file, the operating system deletes the old version and replaces it with the new one. Some newer operating systems can keep track of previous versions, but the process of retrieving older versions isn't exactly intuitive.
A better approach would be for programs like Microsoft Office to save the new file with a version number, and store previous versions in another folder somewhere, so you can easily locate previous versions in the event you need to find them.
The main premise is that you'll always be able to refer to a file by the filename and the version number, and so insure previous versions aren't deleted unless you are sure you don't need them anymore. It also insures that when you email files to other people, the version information is maintained. This is particularly useful because date and time stamps are not transmitted when you email files, so the recipients date stamp will not match the original.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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