The NumLock Key Should Be Eliminated
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/24/2016 1:00:00 AM
The Numlock key is a pointless key that should be eliminated.
In the early days of computing, keyboards didn't have s dedicated arrow keys. Instead of dedicated keys the original IBM PC keyboard had a number pad on the right side, and the "Numlock" key was used to switch between using those keys as numbers vs arrows.
Today"s keyboards have their own dedicated arrow keys, but for some reason, to this day, most keyboards still have a Numlock key.
That stupid key causes so much confusion because many people hit it by mistake, then wonder why the numbers aren't working. This is especially frustrating when entering passwords, and you can't see what your typing.
Because of this, whenever somebody calls me to tell me they can't get into their computer because it won't accept their password, I instinctively ask them if their password has numbers in it. 99% of the time it's simply that they hit the Numlock key by mistake.
Since the key is absolutely useless and only causes trouble when you hit it, why do most keyboards still include it?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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