Don't Stress Over The Election... Again
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/26/2016 1:00:00 AM
Is this the most important election... EVER?
If you're getting a feeling of Deja Vu, it's probably because we've heard that claim in just about every election ever held. Time and time again, we've been told that times are particularly fragile and that it would be horrible if we somehow picked the wrong candidate.
The real truth is, it really doesn't matter who you vote for. We'll be fine.
To some of you, that may sound unpatriotic. I'm not suggesting that you don't vote. I'm just trying to remind people that although our choice in president is important, our president is not a dictator. The President is just one part of our government. Every move our President makes is subject to the approval of our legislative and judicial branches. Simply stated, the President can't do anything alone.
Every time our country leans too far to the left, or too far to the right, our Congress has always reacted with a shift in the other direction.
So if you're one of the people who claim they will leave the country if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton win, you can unpack your bags. Trust me. We'll be fine. We've still got a great constitution, filled with all sorts of checks and balances, so even when we have a particularly bad president, the Senate and the Congress will still be there to make sure we don't go to Hell in a handbasket.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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