iTunes Needs a Backup Payment Option
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/20/2016 1:00:00 AM
If your credit card expires or is declined, you can lose all your iCloud files because there is no backup payment option.
The cloud is a wonderful thing. It lets you sleep at night knowing all of your valuable files are safe and secure. You don't have to worry about hard drive crashes, power surges, viruses, or even natural disasters like fires or floods. You can even lose your entire computer and you won't lose your data.
I pay about $10 per month for Apple's iCloud Drive service which gets me 1 TB of storage, allowing me to secure all my most important files, photos and videos all in one place. There's a pretty good feeling knowing that all my files are safe and secure.
Unfortunately last week I got a rude awakening. I tried to create a simple spreadsheet in Excel and the system told me my iCloud drive was full? That didn't make sense. I only use about 400 GB of the 1000 GB in my storage plan, so I was shocked to see that it said I only had the default (free) 5GB plan. My first reaction was panic. If my plan was only 5GB, what happened to my 400 GB of photos and home videos I already stored there?
As it turns out, the Costo AMEX Card linked to my iTunes account is no longer valid because Costco terminated their relationship with AMEX, so all the existing cardholders were converted to a Citi Visa Card. Unfortunately, since iTunes doesn't have a backup option, I lost access to my iCloud Drive because they lack a backup card option... which is essential considering how important it is that subscribers retain access to their data.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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