Eliminate Clutter By Throwing Away Your FAVORITE Shirt
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/24/2016 1:00:00 AM
If you're having a hard time eliminating clutter, one of the best things you can do is find something you really love, and get rid of it.
One of my most popular posts in the "Pre-Video Blog" days was a little post about getting rid of your favorite shirt, so I decided to re-visit the subject in video form so that YouTube subscribers can see it too.
Although it sounds like a simple idea, for somebody who has a history of collecting clutter, it's actually harder than you think, especially since the clutter is a direct result of having a hard time throwing things away.
Although some people might suggest throwing away a few worthless items as a starting point, it's actually a lot easier if you start with getting rid of things you really love first. The more you love it, the better.
Once you find the strength to actually get rid of items that you really love, it's much easier getting rid of the things that you are not as attached to.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe