Car Radios Should Always Start Off at Low Volume Levels
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/7/2016 1:00:00 AM
Don't you hate when you get into the car and the radio blasts way too loud?
We've all done it before. You're in your car and one of your favorite songs come on, so you crank up the volume to the max. You shut off the car, close the door and head inside without realizing you forgot to lower the volume before you shut it off.
Unfortunately the penalty for forgetting to lower the volume when you shut the car takes place the next morning, when you get a sudden blast of the latest boy band song that's loud enough to wake the neighborhood. When this happens, it's hard to even imagine that you had it that loud the night before, but there's a big difference between cranking up your favorite song while driving full speed, versus listening to some lame top-40 nonsense while parked in your driveway.
The solution is simple. Car radios should be designed to automatically start at a lower volume level. If you shut your car at a volume level higher than that, it should start at a lower level automatically.
I can understand why older analog radios couldn't do this because the nobs were an integral part of the amplification system, but today's radios are entirely digital. They can easily set limits on the initial volume of the radio.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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