Where Do Great Ideas Come From?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/13/2016 1:00:00 AM
Most of the greatest ideas didn't start out that way. They start out as a simple idea, and they evolve over time.
Great songs start with a simple melody or riff. Great paintings start with a crude sketch, and many great novels start with a simple outline. The key is they all had to start somewhere.
That's all there is to it. I could summarize today's thoughts into three short steps:
1 Start Somewhere.
2. Improve it.
3. Repeat step 2.
That's it. Once you start somewhere. Even if it's a half baked attempt, you can always improve it later. Even a complete failure of a first effort can be improved, but it's absolutely essential you start somewhere. With each improvement you move one step closer to something that would never exist if you didn't take the first step. So, although it takes a great deal of effort and grit to stick to a bad idea and continuously improve it, the hardest part is eliminating the fear of failure and simply create the first version.
This blog is a perfect example. I've often joked that some of my ideas don't suck. Truth be told, some of them start out even worse. I tend to write some of these just before bed, when I can barely read the screen. If all goes well, I'll re-visit whatever I wrote in the morning and clean it up quite a bit. Sometimes it's a complete re-write, but once again, that wouldn't be possible if I didn't take the time to write the lame one the night before.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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* Note: The ideas on "Idea of the Day" were posted without any formal research into existing inventions.
In some cases, patents may already exist for these ideas, in other cases, there may not be any existing patents and you are free to develop and explore the viability of developing and patenting the ideas.
The authors make no claim that any of the ideas are safe, practical, or suitable for any particular purpose. You are responsible for the results of trying, developing, patenting or using any of the ideas on this site.
For some people, our ideas are just an interesting read, but our goal is to encourage you to take action. If you see an idea that you like, do something with it... Take action.
- Joe