iOS Needs an Option To View or Edit Photos MetaData
Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/22/2016 1:00:00 AM
Why doesn't Apple's Photos App let you see or change the MetaData linked to your photos?
Every photo you store on your computer or smartphone has hidden information that includes all sorts of useful information about the photo itself that you can only see using a computer. This includes things like where it was taken, what camera was used to take the photo, and dozens of camera specific settings to tell you things like what your lens settings were and whether you used a flash.
In addition to the information your camera stored, you can also add a variety of other things like titles, descriptions, and dozens of other things using a photo organizing program such as the Mac version of the Photos App.
The great thing about all this "MetaData" is that it lets you search for them later using either the desktop or iOS version of the Photos App. The only problem is that although you can search for it, you can't specifically see or change the it using your iPhone or iPad.
What Apple needs to do is give you a simple link that says "View Info" that shows you whatever MetaData is present, along with a way to make changes if needed.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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