Why Do Political Arguments End Like This?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/26/2017 1:00:00 AM
It seems like whenever people talk politics, sooner or later one of them does this...
If you've been following my blog and my YouTube Channel, you probably know that I rarely talk about politics, but this is something I have to get off my chest. I've noticed that whenever people talk about politics, as things get heated, sooner or later, one side or the other will bring up the "Other" N-Word, the Nazis.
I can't understand why this is so common. It doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum you identify with, Progressive or Conservative, Democrat or Republican, sooner or later one of the sides will try to equate the other side's position as doing "exactly what the Nazis did". You see it all the time on CNN, Fox News, Facebook, and Twitter. They could be debating healthcare, gun control, or any number of social issues, yet sooner or later, somebody will draw a comparison to what took place in Germany.
This isn't a new phenomenon. It's been going on for decades, and it bothers me deeply. The argument is aimed equally at both sides for completely unrelated issues, but what bothers me most is that neither side truly understands what the hell they're talking about.
How can you have an adult debate with somebody about healthcare or other social issues, when the other side tries to defend their position by saying your side is doing what the Nazis did?
Let me make this perfectly clear. The Nazis were an abomination against humanity. Drawing any comparison to the issues of today's society to the conditions in Germany 100 years ago is sickening.
Our government may not be perfect, but it is a democratic society, not a dictatorship. We have all sorts of checks and balances to insure that our society will never follow the path they did. There is NEVER a valid reason for using this argument because it has nothing to do with what happened during the Holocaust. It's like trying to convince somebody that Apples are bad for you, just because they were popular in a corrupt society in the Middle Ages. I'm sure we can find thousands of political policies that we STILL share with Germany of the 1940s, but that has nothing to do with the Holocaust, so let's get back to the issues.
I realize both sides feel they are trying to prevent history from repeating itself, but in reality they are doing more harm than good, because it only serves to bring the debate into the sewer. The only way to improve our society is to have realistic debates, not mud slinging. We're better than that. Let's stick to the issues.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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