Why We Need Real Email Signatures
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/7/2017 1:00:00 AM
Just about every major security breach starts with a fake email.
We've all been told that we shouldn't click links in emails from people we don't trust. The trouble is, most viruses are sent in emails that look like they came from somebody you already know and trust. This is because it's nearly impossible to confirm who actually sent the email.
At the root of the problem is the fact that you don't have to hack somebody's email account to send an email that looks like it came from them. In fact, all you need to do is change the name and address in the "From" part of your email program and it will look like it came from them. This means you can sit in a coffee shop anywhere in the world and send an email that looks like it comes from anyone else in the world, without needing any special security credentials. Your email will be untraceable, and virtually impossible to distinguish it from the name and address you put in the "From" box.
That's crazy.
What we need is a new email protocol that has a way to confirm the identity of the sender, with a digital signature that you can click that sends you to a trusted registry of senders. This make it much easier to identify fraud and make it much easier to stop the spread of viruses and spam.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe