Cracker Jack is MISSING Something!
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/22/2017 1:00:00 AM
Candy with prizes inside are a worldwide sensation, but the people who make Cracker Jack don't realize it.
Every day, millions of people watch videos of people opening up "Surprise Eggs", which are chocolate eggs with a prize inside. Apparently kids today love the thrill of watching people open them up and seeing what's inside. I'm not sure how the craze started, but they're extremely hot these days.
Finding a prize inside is nothing new to the makers of Cracker Jack; they've been doing it for over 100 years, in fact when you say the name Cracker Jack, the first thing that comes to your mind is the prize inside. It's as iconic as the sailor on the front of the package, but the prizes inside today's Cracker Jack packages are pretty lame. Instead of the variety of trinkets they used to carry, most of the prizes are just stickers.
While I'm not an expert on snacks, but I think it's fair to say that sales of Cracker Jack aren't exactly going through the roof. Meanwhile, kids are going nuts over chocolate Surprise Eggs, specifically because of the prizes.
I think the makers of Cracker Jack are sleeping at the wheel. Don't they realize that one of the things people loved most about Cracker Jack is the prize inside? They're missing a great opportunity to be part of the trend of finding surprises in the package. If I know that the only thing inside a package of Cracker Jack will be a picture of a stupid snake, why would I bother?
They need a greater variety of higher quality prizes, even if it means raising the price a 5 cents or so, plus they need to randomly insert prizes that may be worth a dollar or more. Even if they inserted a prize worth $1 in every 1,000 packages, the word of mouth, and viral spin on YouTube will yield many times the cost in additional sales.
Are you listening #CrackerJack?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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