Making Umbrellas Safer
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/19/2015 1:00:00 AM
I don't own an umbrella, Here's why.
I don't know about you, but I hate umbrellas. I'm not sure when my hate for umbrellas started, but whenever I see somebody using one, all I can think of is how unsafe they can be.
I know my view is in the minority. Umbrellas as a simple and popular way to keep you from getting wet, but the way I see it, I'd rather get wet than feel unsafe.
To me, there are so many unsafe things associated with umbrellas that I wouldn't know where to start, so here are a few of the biggest problems.
First, I hate the points, Whenever I see them, I can't help but worry about poking people in the eye, so a safer umbrella should use rounded points.
Next, with most umbrellas, I feel like I'm unable to see far enough ahead to be safe. I like seeing exactly where I'm going at all times, so a safer umbrella should be clear, or at least have some clear panels.
Lastly, one of the other problems I have with umbrellas is that they are usually black and non-reflective. Let's face it, when it's raining, both you and the cars around you will have limited visibility, the last thing you need is an umbrella that doesn't stand out. So, a safer umbrella should have alternating dark and light colors, so it's highly visible, both night and day. For nighttime safety, it should have a reflective sections to insure cars can see you.
To be honest, if I had an umbrella that has no points, clear panels, and reflectors, I'm still not sure if I would buy one, because I'm still not a fan of how it ties up my hands and can cause other problems in high winds, but it would be a big step in the right direction.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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