Meat Thermometers Without Numbers
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/19/2015 1:00:00 AM
Quick... What temperature should a medium steak be?
Long before pop-up indicators were invented, knowing the perfect time to take out your Thanksgiving turkey was a bit of a guessing game for most people. Within a few years, just about every major turkey producer was including one in every turkey they sold, because although more advanced cooks had meat thermometers that were far more accurate, many people didn't understand how to use one.
By including that simple little pop-up indicator, it essentially made it foolproof for anyone to know exactly when their turkey was done, because they didn't require any thinking. They were simply designed to pop up at the optimal temperature.
Steaks and burgers also have ideal temperatures, so why not make meat thermometers that are just as foolproof as the pop-up... without any numbers, just an indicator that reads "Raw", "Rare", "Medium", and "Well Done"?
Doesn't that make more sense than a bunch of numbers and confusing text that tries to explain what they mean? I realize that the optimal temperature for pork, beef and chicken are different, so rather than trying to explain all the ranges for each type of meat on the face, just make one model for beef, one for pork, and one for chicken. Versatility is worthless if it makes it harder to use.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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