Apple's Greed is Ruining Apple TV
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/12/2016 1:00:00 AM
Apple TV would be so much better if Apple wasn't so greedy.
When Apple introduced the latest generation Apple TV, I was pretty excited because they said it would have an App Store, just like iOS and OS X. To me that was a huge breakthrough because unlike the previous generation, it means that it can finally run third party Apps. The only problem is that most of the Apps are pretty lame.
This was a big letdown because I assumed it would only be a matter of time before my favorite video services like Amazon Instant Video and Vudu were finally available on my Apple TV. Even after al this time, neither company have Apps, and there's no indication they will be appearing any time soon.
I also hoped to see shopping Apps from companies like Amazon. eBay, and Walmart. Once again, there don't seem to be any plans on the horizon.
The main reason you won't see these kinds of shopping or video Apps on Apple TV is because Apple wants a share of the revenue they generate. That's not only greedy... but just plain stupid.
Traditionally Apple has asked for a 30% cut of revenue generated within Apps. That's a pretty big hurdle. This is one reason why Apps like Kindle, and Nook only let you read books that you've already purchased from from their websites, rather than of letting you buy them from the Apps.
If Apple TV is going to succeed, they need to be be more open. They should focus on the hardware and the operating system (TVOS), and give developers freedom to build Apps without shaking them for a share of the revenue.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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