How Did I Get So Much STUFF?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/12/2016 1:00:00 AM
Before you can get rid of clutter, you need to understand how you got so much stuff in the first place.
This is a followup to some of my earlier posts on the subject of eliminating clutter. Today I'm going to talk about one of the root causes of clutter buildup, the inability to get rid of things, even though they're never used.
The reason people have a hard time getting rid of things is that they would rather HAVE something that they NEVER USE, than NEED something, that they DON'T HAVE.
The idea that you will store something for years, "Just in case you ever need it" is what makes it nearly impossible for them to get rid of stuff. Meanwhile, more often than not, these items not only sit around unused for years, they eventually break or become outdated, so that if they ever need it, they would be better off getting a new one.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe