Potato Chips and Cereal Should Come in Ziploc Bags
Staten Island, NY Posted: 11/2/2016 1:00:00 AM
Do cereal and potato chip companies think we eat an entire package at once?
This isn't rocket science. Whenever you open a package of food, you need to close it again to keep it fresh, so why don't potato chips and cereal come in Zip-Loc bags?
The lack of resealable packaging means that the consumer is either going to have to find some kind of clip or container, but as it turns out what really happens is most people end up with stale food.
Thankfully, one cereal company gets it right, "Malt-O-Meal". Their entire cereal line not only comes in a Zip-Loc bags, but they ditched the wasteful cardboard box. Isn't it time the other companies did likewise?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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