Simple Product Idea... Guest slippers, that snap OVER their shoes
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/18/2014 1:00:00 AM
Expecting a delivery? Handyman? Hose guests?...
Can you take off your shoes?
Here's a simple idea that you don't see around. Instead of asking your guests to take OFF their shoes, why not ask them to put a slipper OVER their shoes?
Think about it. What you really want is a clean floor. Right?
Why not have a simple system guests can use to quickly snap something over their shoes.
It's not rocket science.
As a bonus, guests potentially with smelly, dirty socks with holes, or dirty bare feet with a bad case of Athlete's Foot will avoid the embarrassment of rubbing their stinkers all over your new carpet.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe